How Education Varies For Different Countries


Education In US

There are over 7,000 post-secondary institutions in the United States that offer a wide variety of programs catered to students with different aptitudes, skills and educational needs.

The United States is a credential society, meaning that a high school or college degree is required for most jobs. This is an important part of the American system of education.

In the United States, primary/elementary education is delivered by public schools that are free for all. These schools are funded by the state, federal and local governments.


The education system in Finland is highly varied. It includes free basic education, early childhood care and education, pre-primary education, upper secondary education, and higher education.

In Finland, all subjects are equally important in giving youngsters a broadly-based education. Teachers and schools are given high pedagogical autonomy to make the pedagogical choices that suit their pupils best.

Students in Finland do not have to worry about cramming for exams or spending hours of homework. They usually have less time at school than their British counterparts and get more breaks during the day.


While China has made huge efforts to expand education, many people are surprised to learn that it is not a fully universal system. Tuition fees are not covered by the government, and some families are not able to afford schooling for their children.

The Chinese government has tried to combat this by promoting nine-year compulsory education, and by implementing a plan that would ensure that everyone had a chance to go to school. This policy is still in place today.