VHS To DVD To Save Your Memories


It is times like these when we need to preserve precious memories more than ever. The coronavirus has hit hard, and has forced all non-essential workers to stay indoors.  For the black community, there could be fewer people indoors, due to the fact that a lot of black people work in essential jobs.  While lots of us might still be working, there are still millions of people that are stuck at home trying to make a living however they can. People are being resourceful, and finding new ways of making money, staying active, and passing the time. We have had a number of messages from people that have been passing the time by tidying out their homes and de-cluttering all their old items.  Many of these people have stumbled upon old memories in the form of pictures, home videos letters and more.  We want to tell you how you can convert your VHS to DVD to save your precious memories.

vhs to dvd

How Do You Convert VHS to DVD?

If you have lots of old tapes, pictures and videos in the attic and want to convert your VHS to DVD, there are a number of ways in which you can do this.  Firstly, gather up all of your items and sort through them, and if you can try to see if they will play on a VCR machine.  There is no point in trying to convert them if they are broken or unreadable.  Then you must decide if you are going to do it yourself or get a professional to do it. It is fairly straightforward to do yourself with the right equipment, but a professional will always be the easiest way to do it.

vhs to dvd

Doing It Yourself

To convert your old tapes yourself, you will need:

  • a VCR machine – you might have one lying about in the attic somewhere
  • RCA cables – they are usually three connectors, red, white and yellow
  • a PC or laptop – it ideally needs to have a VGA port in
  • copying software – you can get this for free online, or get a trial version

Firsly, connect up the VCR player to the laptop with the RCA to VGA cables.  Start recording via your video software on your PC or laptop, then insert the tape into the machine. Once you press play, the tape must be recorded to the software in real time, so the process could take a few hours depending on how much footage you have. If you want to omit bits from the video, for example, if it is corrupted or bad quality, simply pause the recording on the laptop, fast forward the video on the VCR, then resume recording and playback.


Doing It Professionally

If you don’t have a VCR or you don’t want to have to bother with the hassle of doing it yourself, you can always use one of the many professional video conversion services out there.  Many of them you can send off your videos and cassettes in the post, and you can choose how you want to convert them.