Uncle Don Gotta Go

Last night, CNN anchor Don Lemon — in his latest anti-Black stunt — justified the racist and violent actions of Sr. Deputy Ben Fields, the officer seen on camera assaulting a Black female-bodied student at Spring Valley High School...
Many people question the difference between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., but what do the differences really mean? What are their differing ideologies and do they have shared goals. We'll dive into these questions and more in...
On a large scale, I find that Black folk refuse to dream radically. We have vast imaginations and deep yearnings for freedom and liberation, and yet … we remain stunted within the confines of oppressive systems. When the prolific Ta-Nehisi...
You may be asking yourself, why is Martin Luther King Day important? After all, it's the birthday of one of the greatest leaders in history. But what did MLK do to make his day special and why is it...
To be pro-Black does not mean to be anti-white. To be pro-Black means to be anti-white supremacy. I wrote these words in a piece about interracial dating some months ago. The piece argues that being pro-Black means to affirm Black...
I understand that Sandra Bland’s family asked that no posts or protests be published or undertaken in her honor. While I cannot understand the tremendous pain her family is experiencing in this moment, I do believe that remaining silent...
The Impact of Racism on our society is palpable. But there are ways to cope, confront, and engage. In this article, we'll explore ways to best deal with racism, from identifying its causes and roots to learning how to...
I’m not writing about Rachel Dolezal. There’s no need for her — and her lies, cultural theft, violence, and overall fuckery — to take up any more space. But since we’re all so transfixed with Black women now, can we perhaps channel...
For the past year, folks have been out in the streets protesting the lawlessness of this country’s police forces. Since the Black Lives Matter Movement started, every unarmed Black person killed by a cop has had their name turned...
I had some serious writer’s block since I last published. Through a bout of depression, I wasn’t able to formulate or articulate my thoughts and emotions in a manner appropriate for the Blackosphere. When my Black Lives Matter Sisters...